Holdstation Weekly Recap: Week 1, May 2024

Holdstation Weekly Recap: Week 1, May 2024

Date: 30th Apr 2024 -  7th Apr 2024


Holdstation continues to excel with outstanding performance and new partnerships, creating engaging activities for our users. Dive into our weekly recap.

Key Takeaways

  • Daily user actions surged, with Account Abstraction Onchain actions reaching 1.6 million.
  • Holdstation secured the 1st spot for 7-day collected fees among leading protocols in the zkSync Era.
  • Phase 2 of Holdstation x Merlin Chain has rolled out.
  • Native $USDC conversion is NOW LIVE on Holdstation.

And more!


Daily user actions saw a 62% increase from last week, reaching 1.6 million Account Abstraction Onchain actions.

Holdstation remains the leader in 7-day collected fees among zkSync Era protocols.

Remember, Holdstation's Paymaster Grant is available for zkSync ecosystem projects seeking Paymaster integration. If you're looking to implement this technology and need funding support, connect us via email support@holdstation.com

Weekly yield update

USDC vault

  • Total USDC Vault APY: 15.42%
  • Total Staked: 3,445,218 USDC

HOLD staking vault

  • HOLD Staking APY: 27.44%
  • TVL: 9,745,818 USDC
  • Staked: 2,320,433 HOLD
  • Percent Staked: 61.88%

Partnership Announcement

Phase 2 of Holdstation x Merlin Chain, "An Age of Wizards Begins," continues to enchant users with incredible rewards.

As part of the Paymaster Alliance, Zero Lend Paymaster now allows users to pay gas fees using $HOLD.

Holdstation added 8,000 $MERL to Treasury Chests for all users, with rewards of up to $500 per chest.

Join the Swap Competition with Bunny Coin Based for a chance to win $2,000 worth of BUNNY (~300,000 $BUNNY) in the prize pool.

Noteworthy Events

Native $USDC conversion is NOW LIVE on Holdstation, allowing users to convert USDC.e to native USDC on #zkSync at a 1:1 ratio without any fees or slippage.

Holdstation Chests are now loaded with 120,000 $BUNNY, offering earnings of up to $200 per chest.

SoB x Sharkie Meme Contest winners announced—the memes were flowing and the laughs were ROFL-worthy!

60,000,000 $BSMTI available for harvest in Holdstation Chests.

The "Hold the Line, Secure Victory" campaign has concluded. Congratulations to our 200 fortunate winners who will share 2,000 $VIC and $1,000 USDC!

Looking Forward

Looking ahead, Holdstation plans to expand our features and partnerships further. We are exploring new blockchain integrations to enhance our trading and wallet functionalities. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements about advanced security features to safeguard your transactions and increase trading efficiency.