Holdstation Weekly Recap: Week 1, Jan 2024

Holdstation Weekly Recap: Week 1, Jan 2024


Hype up the year of Dragon with Holdstation 1st Week of 2024 Recap. More and more new progress is in the making this week, accounting for both zkSync Ecosystem and Holdstation. Will this be the energy we need for an explosive year? Let’s dive in.

Date: 2nd Jan 2024 -  8th Jan 2024

Key Takeaways

  • zkSync Era is still outperforming other L2s and Ethereum regarding TPS
  • zkSync transactions are now available on Etherscan
  • Holdstation is a Top Gainer among all DeFi derivatives in terms of active users, with daily trading fees also reaching ATH.
  • Holdstation is audited by Peckshield
  • Holdstation Paymaster is having a great performance
  • Holdstation airdropped $10,000 to users in $GEC
  • New interactive feature - Treasure Chest is becoming a hit

zkSync Ecosystem Updates

In the first week of the year, zkSync Era is still keeping its record, outperforming other L2s and Ethereum regarding transaction processing per second ( or TPS). Again, these streaks reflect the dynamic activity of the chain, gradually gaining users and retaining them in the ecosystem.

Source: L2Beat

New year, new dapps, tools, and use cases are launching on zkSync. The importance of Paymaster is now solidified, with multiple projects being able to integrate it seamlessly using zkSync native Account Abstraction.

More great news for the ecosystem coming this week. zkSync transactions are now available on Etherscan, the standard of block explorer on Ethereum. With this integration, users will have a more familiar UI to check for on-chain data, synchronize their experience on most L2s and Ethereum.

Holdstation Weekly Recap

Weekly stats

Top Gainer in Daily Active Traders

More recognition from traders recently on Holdstation Defutures. Our platform is now one of the top gainers in daily active traders, comparable to other DeFi derivative projects like GMX, dYdX, or Synthetix. This signifies the improvement of Holdstation protocol in making web3 trading activity more accessible.

Daily Trading Fees ATH

Holdstation hits a new high with $27,416 in daily trading fees, a 50% increase from the previous ATH in early December. With Holdstation realyield, our stakers enjoyed a substantial share, getting $22,000 in profits in just one day.

Impressive AA figures

Total AA actions on Holdstation have exceeded 520K, primarily for Send & Swap. Nearly 40% of these, about 190K transactions, utilized the Paymaster feature to cover gas fees and paid gas in other tokens. This highlights the growing adoption of AA in daily activities and the increasing user preference for Holdstation's AA features, particularly Paymaster.

Holdstation Paymaster Performance

Paymaster feature is performing excellently in terms of gas fee paying support, with over 100,000 transactions paid for gas fees by 17,770 $HOLD, giving users a 50% discount - $65,000 in savings


Remember, Holdstation's Paymaster Grant is available for zkSync ecosystem projects seeking Paymaster integration. If you're looking to implement this technology and need funding support, connect us via email support@holdstation.com

Weekly Yield Updates:

USDC staking vault

Total USDC Vault APY: 49.93%

Total staked: 1,959,663 USDC

HOLD staking vault

HOLD staking APY: 94.87%

TVL: 7,246,595 USDC

HOLD Staked: 2,012,943

Percent Staked: 53.68%

Recent News and Updates

Holdstation is now audited by Peckshield

It’s Holdstation's commitment to maintaining the highest standards in blockchain security and efficiency in revolutionizing Web3. We're glad to have Peckshield alongside us on our journey.

Full details: here

Treasure Chest has become a real hit

The activity of opening treasure chest, along with the current GOLD reward, is creating a wave in Holdstation community. Be more interactive, log in, and do tasks to claim the treasure chest, this has now become a daily routine for more than 1500 users, engaged with 3200+ users within a week.

As there will be more exciting rewards waiting ahead, users can try out and get themself prepared by storing chests as well.

Holdstation airdropped $10,000 to active users

Partnered with GeckoInuAvax, Holdstation this week has airdropped $10,000 worth of $GEC to 2,000 stakers and active users.

Wrapping up the Holdstation Christmas Trading Contest 

We would like to express our appreciation to 4,343 traders who participated in this trading event, generating a remarkable $473.80m in total volume and elevating Holdstation Defutures to new heights.

Looking forward

Well begun is half done. We now have an exciting first step to kick off a year full of achievements and records. Are you ready to go along with Holdstation and prepare for the Web3 revolution?