Holdstation Weekly Recap: Week 4, Dec 2023

Holdstation Weekly Recap: Week 4, Dec 2023


Another well-performed week for Holdstation, with several milestones achieved and new partnerships formed. Let's dive into the highlights of the week.

Date: 25th Dec 2023 - 1st Jan 2024

Key Takeaways

  • zkSync is now the first-ever L2 project that processes more Transactions than Ethereum itself in a month
  • Daily Paymaster Transactions, Daily User Action, Daily Trade, and Daily Traders on Holdstation reached a new ATH this week.
  • Holdstation has a new partnership announced with BigInt, a community-focused NFT marketplace on Zksync
  • GOLD of Holdstation now halving 50% supply.

zkSync Ecosystem Updates

Dec 27th: Native Account Abstraction on zkSync with Paymaster, the road to mass adoption.

Dec 28th: zkSync is the first project to process more Transactions than Ethereum itself in a 30D timeframe.

Holdstation Weekly Recap

Weekly stats

Daily Paymaster Transactions reach a new ATH, showcasing the growing popularity and efficiency of this feature on zkSync.

Holdstation set three new ATHs in a single day.

  • Daily User Action: 35,204
  • Daily Trade: 2,471
  • Daily Traders: 1,447

These records highlight the platform's increasing user engagement and trading activity.

Daily User Action, Week 4 Dec 2023. Source: Holdstation Dashboard

Unique traders of Holdstation even surpassed DyDx v3. This reflects the platform's ability to attract and retain users, thanks to its user-friendly interface, innovative features, and robust security measures.

Source: Artemis.xyz

Volume/TVL of Holdstation is now in the top 3 among all derivatives. Being at the top of this ratio positions Holdstation as a highly dynamic and active platform, while still having significant growth potential in the derivatives market.

Source: Defillama.com

Weekly Yield Updates

USDC staking vault

Total USDC Vault APY: 51.11%

Total staked: 1,851,768 USDC


HOLD staking vault

HOLD staking APY: 98.75%

TVL: 5,535,129 USDC

HOLD Staked: 1,876,315

Percent Staked: 50.04%

Hold Vault APY

Recent News and Updates

Dec 28th: Holdstation x BigInt

Strategic partnership - integrated BigInt marketplace into Holdstation DApp Browser. Holdstation will support this community-focused NFT marketplace on Zksync by implementing multiple Account Abstraction features.

Dec 28th: Holdstation's Paymaster now includes $MEOW with 20% discount in 2 days.

Dec 29th: Gold halving 50% supply.

The $GOLD Rewards rate was reduced by 50% in all activities (swap/trade/hold/invite). This will directly enhance the long-term value and sustainability of $GOLD, aligning with Holdstation's commitment to a balanced and well-performed reward model.

Looking forward

Looking ahead in Web3, Holdstation stays dedicated to innovation, especially in Account Abstraction. We aim to improve user experiences, expand our role in the zkSync ecosystem, and continually enhance our platform. Stay tuned for more updates as we drive Web3 mass adoption.